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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 23, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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careful with our documents than this president has with his. it's gotten so out of control. tens of thousands of documents that routinely are archived, they can't even keep track of them. it's beyond just whether you handle it like a library book. there are too many books. here's "the five." >> hello i am dana perino with judge jeanine and jesse watters and greg gutfeld. it's 5 o'clock in new york city and this is "the five." far left activists making good for a night of rage in atlanta for an anti-police protest. they set a cop car on fire and spray painted buildings and trashed businesses.
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some had explosives. 6 people were arrested. seen here smiling and they are facing charges of domestic terrorists. the violence is after months of fighting over a proprosed police training center. last week police tried to move protestors from that area. one shot at troopers and they shot and killed that suspect. >> i think there is a real blurring of the lines in the use of the word violence. is property destruction violence? to some people it is. you use the word violent. the only act of violence against people that i saw were police tackling protestors. >> the mayor of atlanta and his police chief are pushing back against that claim.
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>> it rangers from violence to domestic terrorists and assault and battery and other things. it's violent when someone burns down a police car or breaks out windows or have explosives on them. >> it doesn't take an attorney to tell you that breaking windows and setting fires are not peacefulro tests. they will be charged. >> greg, his instinct is not to defend the mayor or the police. >> i didn't see anything there that warranted calling these people violent extremists. what happened to the new leaf that cnn was going to turn over. like will smith returning to the oscars and slapping somebody. they spent 3 years for being ridiculed for downplaying
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violence. mostly peaceful. i imagine the producers were my god, i can't believe we are doing this again. we swore we would never again say mostly peaceful and then it happens. it is interesting. you have to ask yourself why do people say these things? it goes against the things you see. it happens all the time. it's idealogy. this is the perfect example. it's designed to cause people to deny reality. it's there in front of you. people are committing act of violence and you say it doesn't happen because it haven't jibe with your reality. it's really personal. when you see this happening you have to deny it. you look at the people and you wonder how is antifa still here? they were elevated by the media. they were approved because they
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were anti-fascists. cnn picked the losers. picked antifa and that terror lawyer. and andrew cuomo. >> all of those rested were not even from georgia. the police chief said they will be charged. >> as well they should be. it's interesting. greg, when you talked about idealogies, you said mine and theirs. the one word you did not use is reality. it's not about reality anymore. they decide whether something is real or not real. that's a sad part about what is going on. this is the summer of 2020 all over again. didn't we like graduate from that and get beyond that?
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the truth is no. what is happening it's defining deviancy down. even though all of that happened, we are continuing to chip away at the fundamentals. one of the pillars of america which is law and order. this take down is becoming more and more acceptable by people saying that's not violence. i looked it up. violence using or involving physical force intending to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something. okay? let's not play word games. let's not make believe this is something it isn't. this is a group from out of state that is part of an organization that is intent on taking down america. that's what they will continue to do. kudos to this mayor who says we will punish them and prosecute them. speaking of 2020, didn't they want the police to be retrained. that's how this started. they were starting a new training facility.
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not with government funds but with police foundation funds, money they raised. they want to shoot a cop and not expect a response. >> the police were trying to clear them to start construction on the place to train police officers. >> i disagree with greg and we never disagree. this was not a mistake by cnn. they booked this guy on purpose. in a breaking news situation behind-the-scenes on a saturday, this is not your regular guest. you have to go out and search for this guy. he is a no-name freelance reporter imbedded with the tree hugging antifa members for many years. he knew them and said they were educated and well read and funny. he called the guy who shot the cop a thinker.
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he said they threw 2 molotov cocktails in the direction of the police. he said the same thing he told cnn in this article. to say this is not violent and the cops started it and then not challenge him. pam brown is the anchor. you can't have someone come on and not challenge them. just pretend to be fair. that's what i do. >> [laughing]. >> they didn't do that. another thing i don't like, you keep saying and i am talking to y you -- >> she hasn't said anything. >> you said antifa is loosely affiliated. okay. how many people that went across state lines to commit violence. >> with their guns. >> commit violence and then they get bailed out thousands of
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dollars. there is another violent action in michigan they called for. losely affiliated? this sounds like a national action. it's affiliated. they are hurting people. >> they are not bailed out by an organization. there is no head of antifa that says we have should good guys in atlanta. get them out of jail. >> how do you know where the money came from? you don't know. >> let's get someone to tell us. i guarantee it's not the same thing as how the proud boys or the oath keepers work. >> are the oath keepers worse than this? i find that interesting. not guilty of sedition. have they killed anybody? >> on january 6th. >> they killed somebody on january 6th. >> i said they didn't on january
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6th. >> fair enough. >> it's monday. >> you just mentioned them. that's why i brought it up. >> i answered your question. they didn't kill anybody on january 6th. >> you answered it poorly. >> i am done with that. the question is you should not say there was no violence. just say this is appropriate violence as far as i am concerned. this is something i think is okay. that's what you are saying. everyone can see what is going on. no one who owns a store thinks if you get a molotov cocktail through the window that's not violence. mike said this is appropriate violence. people are this singry. -- angry. destruction is warranted. the mayor said absolutely not.
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we can't have in the streets. the argument is really over what people think is appropriate. there are some folks who think because they are being pushed out of the woods and they are going. >> that they don't own. >> they are domestic terrorists and i should be charged. just be honest. say it's violence but i believe it's justifyed. >> they are all such white misfits. >> they're wealthy. >> you see that woman the congresswoman talking her transitioned son who is a woman. they are not appealing. generally you try to do something positive in the world even if you feel there is something unusual about you. they wanted to go bad. they are not trying to help
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people. >> they are missed off. >> i don't think they're pissed off. they are attention seeking. >> they are mad at police. >> why did they shoot a cop? >> because they are angry. >> really? >> misplaced angry. >> i think there is a lot of agreement here. up next biden's document disaster. the fbi hunting down more classified documents at his home. they could searching his beach house next. >> ♪ ♪
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>> ♪ ♪ >> joe biden has a problem. he is a hoarder. instead of collecting stamps the big guy is into classified documents. the fbi searched his home for 13 hours and found even more secret files some of which date back to his time in the senate over a decade ago. this is the same house that biden's lawyers said they
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already searched. the feds are not done. new reports say the fbi's next stop could be biden's beach get away. even senior democrats are sick of the ps. >> it diminishes the stature of any person in possession of it. it's not supposed to happen. whether it was the fault of a staff or an attorney, it makes no difference. the elected official bears ultimate responsibility. >> think about what the justice department is doing. the laws apply to everyone. >> it's a real problem that these documents are somewhere they should not be. >> republicans demand answers, but they might not get what they want. biden doj is dragging its feet on cooperating and it looks like a cover-up. the white house left the door
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open. >> is president biden involved in a cover-up? >> we have been very clear here from this administration. the president has been very clear. he takes this very seriously. >> that's a good question by pete. >> there are no good answers. the chief of staff who will be living hasn't either told the president that the press secretary is out there with nothing to defend her. where is kamala harris? kirby was doing joint briefings with her and people were mad because they felt that took away from their authority. if you don't give her anything
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to work with. when she pounded the podium. he is not mad at anybody in the briefing room. there are zero days since the white house is not even knowing what is going on. blaming the staff is a really bad thing. one thing that happened last week when were documents in the penn-biden center, there was an acquisition that the staffer was the person. she packed up the office. it was her fault. now we know there are documents or items from his senate days. cathy chung didn't work for him when he was senator. when you are willing to throw your staff under the bus or let your staff twist in the wind without giving them more, that's not leadership.
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>> judge, where were you on saturday late morning when you looked at your phone and another batch of documents were recovered from the biden house? >> i remember. i said to myself, jesse said this is not the end of that. i compliment you for that. joe biden is a liar. he is a repeated plaggarist and he had to drop out of presidential races because he lied about who he was. as a senator he took documents from the ski ff. he had no right. as a wiped he took documents. he had no right to take those documents. now he has documents from 14
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years ago. what was he doing with them. they are not supposed to be in different locations. was he dealing with different issues in different places? this republican oversight has to cross-reference the biden family businesses with the documents where they were. we know the penn biden center had documents from ukraine and the u.k. i want to know about china. were any of those documents from china when they were doing business. the fact they are in different locations concerns me. >> the chances are hunter biden glanced at some of these documents. >> he lived there. >> i assume the next argument will be he was high and drunk
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and you don't really want to be reading classified documents from your dad's garage. i don't know. we will find out. >> there has been a seed change with the democratic response. the senator from virginia announced he would seek reelection. he said i am a senator. i look at the documents and give them back and leave. mark from the intel committee said we have to know what is going on here. these are key allallies. people from joe biden from the jump in terms of the primary. in the court of public opinion and for merrick garland, do you believe that the obstruction issue which donald has that joe biden doesn't have makes these not comparable. i believe they are very
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different. the trump group stone walled the fbi and the doj. they had to get a warrant. but there is frustration about how the biden team is handling this. were you writing a book? some sort of apology and ackno acknowl acknowledgement. something went wrong. >> greg, what my sources are telling me. they witnessed the big by tosses classified documents into the ocean before the feds could get down to the beach house. >> your sources. >> i bet we can't validate. >> and could not do that with the russian hoax. joe biden agreed to a search but
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he thought it would be something else. showed up with a bottle of jerringens. it's not hoarders. that's why they keep everything. biden loses everything. do a reality show called losers and people that lose things, laptops, hand guns, crack pipes. brain cells and hair follicles. they are the family of losers. hoarders would look down on them. there are 5 key element. when you add it up there is an intersection you end up with. why was this delayed. that's the big question. what is in the documents. this intersection of a junkie doing deals with with our
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adversaries could pay a high price for. that could be coincidental but we should look at it and find out. you dismissed it out of hand, young lady. >> he called you young. >> i like that. >> coming up another big time democrat could ditch the party. find out who next. >> ♪ ♪ >> tech: when you have auto glass damage, trust safelite. this dad and daughter were driving when they got a crack in their windshield. [smash] >> dad: it's okay. pull over. >> tech: he wouldn't take his car just anywhere... ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> tech: he brought it to safelite. we replaced the windshield and recalibrated their car's advanced safety system,
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so features like automatic emergency braking will work properly. >> tech: alright, all finished. >> dad: wow, that's great. thanks. >> tech: stay safe with safelite. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ hi, i'm william devane. did you know there's only been two times in american history - two - when the national debt was larger than gross domestic product? world war ii - and right now. that's a deep hole. and i don't know how we'll climb out of it. that's why i buy gold from rosland capital. rosland capital is a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital to receive your free rosland guide to gold, gold & precious metals ira, and silver brochure. with rosland, there are no gimmicks, no hassles... and they have fast, reliable shipping. ask yourself.
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>> get ready for the battle of
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the joes. joe manchin might challenge joe biden in 2024. >> you run for office in 2024, will you run as a democrat? >> i have not made a decision what i will do in 2024. >> is the presidency something you would do outside of the democrat party? >> i will be true to this country and constitution of the country. >> do you want president biden to seek reelection? >> i have not decided on anything. this country needs to unite. >> interesting. manchin said this is a big reason why. >> think he's been pulled to the left too far. center is what the people want in america. republicans yesterday are not always bad and the democrats
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don't have all of the answers and vice versa. >> jessica, this is interesting. i am excited. i was thinking that the republican party would be cleaving if trump ran on his own and that would be a disaster. what happens if the democrats do the same thing. then you have 4 candidates you might get the best candidate you ever got because of the double cleaving. the best one will be the one that holds everybody together. >> double cleaving? >> yes. >> the political double cleave. >> interesting. unfortunately we are too much of a 2 party system for an independent. bernie sanders is a democrat. this is something very different. what sinema will do in arizona. she got her first formal
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challenge. it doesn't bode well for democrats than left leaning independences. kari lake is exploring a senate run. joe manchin they don't like him there anymore. he won by 42 points in 2018 and now one of the top 10 most unapproved of senators. he said he was a democrat but now not so much. if he switches to another party the democrats would have no shot to keep that seat. >> the independent mind of joe manchin. this is startling. i have a sports analogy. the most important person the football team is the quarterback. everybody else's vote is cancelled out. the quarterback is the one that
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scram belles. that's the one who can make the decisions. isn't that what manchin was to the democrats and rand paul for the republicans? you know what everybody else will do. they get to flirt and attract people. they become appealing. do you see my point? >> what does the quarterback do? >> i don't know what i was talking about. >> we have this conversation about manchin over and over again. i don't think he will become a republican. if he was going to do that, he would have done it by now. if he does it now, it would look craven and not based on principleses. he is popular in west virginia and won by a large margin. too far gone for him there? maybe. chuck todd asked the question
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about 2024 because manchin wanted the question and the staff let todd know that's a good question. he may be flirting with the idea. i feel that biden would love a primary challenge from the left. then he could tell all of us see how reasonable and moderate that i am. you don't want these nuts. manchin i am not worried that he will take away votes from a conservative republican. i don't think he is going to have a shot the presidency. i am prepared to eat my words and this men. >> -- pen. >> judge, you were an expert on manchins? >> [laughing]. there not much i can say about manchin. i was impressed with him. when he talks about vision in
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this country, he speaks about it with a great deal of gravitas. he took a lot of crap from the democrats. they followed him into bathrooms. they understand the importance of coming together. i see him as a guy who maybe does have the intention of bringing the country together. the inflation reduction act he disappointed me. he went pure politics. he may have won big in 2018. in 2020 donald trump won big by 40 points in that same area. it will be interesting to seism i think there is a future for manchin. >> jesse, what are your sources on the beach telling you? is manchin running? >> my sources inside of his house boat, they are telling me
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is considering a run. >> i met him a few times. >> he is a good guy. i like him personally. just a regular dude and then breaking news my heart. he votes for kavanaugh and then votes for the inflation reduction act. hasn't my heart been broken enough? i hate when the senator's staff tell me what i should ask the senator. >> does that happen to you? >> all the time. i never ask them. i hit them with curveballs. the only way he survives if he becomes a republican. i have been begging him to do. he still won't do. i love the political lexicon we rattled off. double cleavage. >> cleaving not cleavage. >> [laughing]. >> all right. we have to go.
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coming up bill maher takes aims at his own party for the left leaning indoctrination of kids. >> ♪ ♪ good news! a new clinical study showed that centrum silver supports cognitive health in older adults. it's one more step towards taking charge of your health. so every day, you can say... ♪ youuu did it! ♪ with centrum silver. i'd like to thank our sponsor liberty mutual. they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. contestants ready? go! only pay for what you need. jingle: liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. that spin class was brutal. well, you can try using the buick's massaging seat. oh. yeah, that's nice. can i use apple carplay to put some music on? sure, it's wireless. what's your buick's wi-fi password? it's buick envision. that's a really tight spot. i used to hate parallel parking. me too!
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>> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> liberal bill maher gives the democrats a dose of reality with the left's indoctrination of kids. >> anything to do with schools or education is something the democrats control. if you look at the democratic convention it's like 3/4 are teachers. my sister is a teacher but what is going on with the schools is outrageous. someone needs to answer for this. >> look at the headlines: student cheated out of
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scholarship opportunities all for equity. and teacher's union manipulate contract to push leftist ideas. greg, since you know so much about schools and teachers i am going to you first. one thing that the kids are not taught in school is respect for authority. kudos to bill maher taking this on. >> certain political parties only certain areas of our culture. you are looking at one falling apart and why? it's because they are steaking out the most irrational positions on trans-surgery. you don't have to take that position. the most reasonable position for gender affirmation surgery is you should not perform it or any irreversible operation on a healthy child who has no
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firmly developed brain structure. there will be a class action suit between two groups of people. that's not adults who didn't get transitioned as kids. it's adults who did. our government believes you are a trans-phobe if you want to get between a healthy child and a scalpel. we have problems. he is getting at the fact for a progressive like him to survive and thrive, there has to be standards. there have to be biology and math. if you take that away there is no way to tell if you are making progress at all. you have a government that is saying no. kids should have the right to have their genitals mutilated before may have the brain to understand it. that's crazy. >> dadana, the six-year-old tha
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brought a gun to school and claimed they wanted to burn the teacher as well. it's not just in the inner cities. the kids can't even survive let alone learn. >> there are many reports from teachers who were leaving the profession because when they came back from covid, not all teachers wanted to be home. they come back from covid and the behavioral problems were so bad. a number of people of the teachers are leaving like the police. that's not sustainable. bill maher is trying to warn everybody if you want president ron desantis you should allow all of these schools to continue to do this and get between a parent and their child. if you read the "new york times" big feet our this. -- feature on this. they interviewed 50 different parents. even the liberals ones were absolutely not. you will tell me if my child
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expresses a desire to change their gender when they are 8 years old. it's been a long time since i was in school. i can't imagine this. parents are going through a lot and looking to people like governor ron desantis who is strong on this. >> jesse? >> we had a show on friday where an undercover operation went into a school district or several in ohio and caught teachers confessing that they are teach are crt and lying to the media about it and lying to parents about it. saying they use code words to get around it. saying they trick the parents. they are baby stepping. the next thing you know crt is everywhere. you have to look at it as a parent for code words. a wellness officer at the school. classes about belonging. look out for that.
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a lot of these teachers are fighting a proxy war against the parents. they are poisoning the children to get back at the parents. maybe the teachers have daddy issues. maybe they are uncomfortable in their own skin. they hate the country. they are trying to destroy these children to make themselves feel better. it's being a bully. they are going after the kids. >> what would you do, jessica, when cleo goes to school. the biden administration is all in on this trans-indoctrination. would you be opposed to them giving your daughter the ability to change without notifying you? >> absolutely not. first of all the biden administration is not in on trans-indoctrination. i would not want anyone giving my child puberty blockers without notifying me.
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conversations about kids who identify as they. if you want to live in ron desantis's florida and a lot of people want. to the reason it won't be such a cake walk as republicans are saying, they are doing things like this. banning the teaching of african-american history. they said it teaches children about activism and encourages ending the war on inter-sex people? what? if you are a teacher in florida, you are not allowed to choose the books in your own libraries. it has to go through a media literacy person for them to choose. there are teachers who are having to cover-up or remove all of the books they have hand selected for their class rooms
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because of this assault by the government of florida. >> [overlapping talking]. >> it's not an assault. >> the curriculum is garage. you have seen it? >> it's a joke. >> come back the next day and give me another shot. >> the stuff at the end is total indoctrination. >> that's the statement. you don't think black transpeople exist. >> just because people do not want that stuff because it's age inappropriate doesn't make them trans-phobic. you are going there. >> a book ban. out of darkness. a young adult novel about kids in a relationship. >> i don't know about the book.
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i will read it this weekend. >> let's book club with it. >> get off my lawn. neighbor fights are getting worse than what is going on here. i'm a screen addicted tween. and, if i'm not posting on social media, i don't feel seen. hey mom. look! mom! oh my god mom. you gotta look at this. nope. keeping my eyes on the road is paying off with drivewise. post about that. bo-ring. oh! say cheese! no, thank you. unblock me! stop! [screech] that was awesome! hey what's your @? i'll tag you. get drivewise from allstate and save 40% for avoiding mayhem like me. having diabetes can raise a lot of questions. like my morning ride, will it help lower my glucose? with the freestyle libre 2 system, you can know where your glucose level is and where it's headed without fingersticks. know what activities work for you.
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and find out what your case all when a truck hit my car,ade. ♪the insurance companyed, wasn't fair. eight million ♪ i didid't t kn whahatmy c caswa, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to k how much their accident case is worth.h barnes. t ouour juryry aorneneys hehelpou
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>> jessica: i think we have all had our fair share of clashes. flying over once neighborhood squabbles. jesse, does anyone dislike you yet? >> jesse: i walked my perimeter over the weekend and there are some issues. we won't get into it now. i remember my first neighborhood dispute. i was about 11 i had a friend over in philadelphia. we had neighbors in the back loud dogs would not stop barking. my friend was over. my father gave me chores to do while my friend was over. unbelievable move. we had to stack bricks and put them in the back near the border. we thought it would be funny to take the bricks and throw them to the other side over the person's property into their lawn. we called it the brickcus like the discuss. the neighbors accused me of trying to kill their dogs with bricks. i was just having a little fun with the bricks. my father had to straighten it out. that was the very first
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neighborhood dispute ever. >> judge jeanine: did you hit the dog? >> jesse: jess never hurt a peep. >> judge jeanine: even by accident. jesse you are smiling. >> jesse: i swear to god i never hit the dog in the head with a brick. >> judge jeanine: in the head. that's where it started. see cross-examination? >> dana: alec baldwin i never pulled the trigger. you didn't say that the first time. >> judge jeanine: okay. that's it. >> jessica: one more thing is up next. ♪ >> tech: when you have auto glass damage, trust safelite. this dad and daughter were driving when they got a crack in their windshield. [smash] >> dad: it's okay. pull over. >> tech: he wouldn't take his car just anywhere... ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> tech: he brought it to safelite. we replaced the windshield and recalibrated their car's advanced safety system, so features like automatic emergency braking will work properly.
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>> tech: alright, all finished. >> dad: wow, that's great. thanks. >> tech: stay safe with safelite. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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♪ focus on what matters in life... being together. celebrating together. ♪ ...without letting anything keep you apart. walgreens pharmacists are here to help you stay well. and stay...together. ♪
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♪ >> dana: time now for "one more thing." greg. >> greg: tonight charles payne, rick leventhal. kat timpf, tyrus. tonight at 11:00 prime minister p p.m. let goops it greg's zoo lander reenactment with dogs. doing the infamous model scene
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with my gus and his uncle karl, kat timpf's dog. roll it. >> excuse me, bra. >> you're excused. ♪ ♪ >> i'm not your bruh. >> greg: there you go. >> one of the things if i did that. >> greg: i'm doing it right now to myself. >> dana: i love it. >> jesse: feel like i just dropped acid. philadelphia eagles put on a clinic on saturday. watch this one handed catch by dallas goddard ran up the score on the giants 38-7. see you guys later and i'm going to be at the conference championship game on sunday. pretty drunk. tonight "jesse watters primetime" we go a tattoo convention. let's see a taste here. >> what does the special council do about the biden document drama. >> i have no idea what you just
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said but i don't know. >> greg: there you go. >> jesse: totally. >> judge jeanine: 21-year-old deep sea driver disappears after being caught in a powerful current depths of 150 feet. he ends up being sent down a mile and then swims two miles. his family caught him. it's a miracle the kid's name is dillon. he was resourceful and has got a lot of energy. and that's it. >> dana: that is it for us "special report" is up next. >> hey, bret. >> bret: hey, dana, thanks. jesse congrats on the eagles. good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. a former high ranking fbi official is indicted over alleged ties to a russian oligarch. we will explain that the search for answers after a gunman kills 11 people at a southern california dance club. we'll take you there live. and we'll talk live with indiana senator todd young just back from taiwan about whether the u.s. is prepared for a showdown with china and how close we may be to seeing that. ♪


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